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Women's Health Nutritional Therapist
Millie Gardner


a circle of text sating womb wellness hormone health
a bunch of white daisies in front of a white wall

About Me



My name is Millie, the founder and creator of MiNutrition. I'm a certified Naturopathic Nutritional Therapist. I specialise in women's health issues. I mostly support women struggling with their period in one way or another...


Connection Call

This is a FREE 30 minute Zoom call where you can ask any questions you may have and we can get to know one another!

The Process:

Step 1.

Book in for your FREE connection call, where we can meet one another and you can ask any questions you may have about working with me. 

Step 2.

If you choose to go ahead I will book you in for your initial consultation. We will discuss in-depth your health and your goals so we can tailor the plan to you.

Step 3.

After we have spoken your personalised health plan will be created for you, which includes dietary, supplementary and lifestyle advice tailored to you and your needs

You will have ongoing support through your wellness journey to help you continue with positive changes. I will only be an email away for support or to answer any plan related questions. 

laptop on white desk with mug and glasses next to it
book cover with a picture of pale pink smoothies in glasses in front of white background saying 5 top tips for Perimenopause

FREE - 5 Top Tips for Perimenopause Ebook  

"Download your free copy of '5 Top Tips for Perimenopause' today! Packed with valuable insights and practical advice, this e-book has been made to help you confidently navigate through the often challenging journey of perimenopause."

What clients say:

" Coming to Millie to identify the root causes of my health issues and  improve my wellness biologically and naturopathically has turned my life around "-  KS, 39

Do You Struggle with..?

  • Hormonal imbalance issues: Painful/heavy periods, irregular periods, peri-menopause 

  • Existing conditions: Endometriosis, PCOS, Fibroids, PMDD

  • Digestive issues: bloating, constipation, irritable bowel symptoms, food sensitivities

  • Fatigue/low energy levels, brain fog

  • Anxiety/low mood, feeling unmotivated

  • Sleep issues: struggling to sleep, disturbed sleep

  • Headaches and migraines

Does this sound like you?

Book in for your Free connection call now! Where we can meet one another and you can ask any questions you may have about working with me. 

zoomed in shot of woman's hands of her stomach holding her womb in silky blue pyjamas

Follow @millie.minutrition on instagram for more content!

About Millie

Mi Nutrition

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lettering saying GNC member in green writing on white background

©2023 by MiNutrition

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